S5: 2nd Division
Sunday 22 October 2006
18:00 EDT
Predictions (0)
Keen Edge
22 October 2006, 19:50
gg Prevert, nicest americans I ever played against :P
22 October 2006, 20:00
22 October 2006, 20:27
22 October 2006, 21:01
22 October 2006, 22:28
Well played guys.
Had a few connection problems on our side, but I think it's as much psycological as it is regological :D
Had to laugh at that Biodome PG on 1 Red Bar!
23 October 2006, 01:21
Alien team had furnace hive, dropped ore and vent RT’s.
The Americans started with an early obs and one SG. The pressure squad went through double to vent.
They managed to get vent down quite easily with Danster’s lerk helpless against the SG-er in vent. The rest of the aliens focused on getting down comp side RT’s with success.
The pressure team went from vent back through double, didn’t build double for no apparent reason and they all went laser for no apparent reason. Four marines went from laser to furnace and got a PG up. Aliens dropped the hive and got a fade at this time. The lerk and fade had easy pressure on the marines since they didn’t have a lot of upgrades. The skulks kept going on RT’s very well. When the PG was down before the 2nd hive was up the RT chewers had all the marine RT’s down without a problem. From that moment the marines got pressured in the base and the game was soon over, a solid victory for the alien team.
First map ns_origin 2nd Round kE: Marine Prevert: Alien
Alien team had bio hive and dropped vent and double RT’s (just one in double).
The marine team had two pressure squads consisting out of two players each with SG welder on both sides, one marine to cover base against the relentless Prevert base rushes, with building an obs not much later. One pressure squad from comp lab through xeno to double, and one pressure squad from laser to furnace. The double pressure squad went down early where the other squad got up furnace and ore RT’s. A second run got double RT down.
The aliens defended well putting constant pressure on the base as well. With the pressure the marines were unable to pressure vent RT or the upgoing hive. Instead of getting a PG at the upgoing hive the marines got a PG in furnace to hold that side of the map. Motion was up upgrades were good and AA was on the way with a fade and soon a second fade up. Eventually the base got ‘Preverted’ and the marines lost their AA before it was upgraded due to 2 fades bashing it and no res for beacon.
Due to some rambo-ing from Danster marines tried to get a PG in vent but failed. After that the hive was up and the marines pushed towards bio siege point. A lot of mines and human lives wasted the marines managed to get up five sieges with two obses able to scan. The aliens on the other hand had four gorges and two fades. Due to one or two sieges not firing the marines rushed in the hive to get those gorges down with success, bio hive down. Marines kept their res secured and due to some more rambo-ing got a PG in vent. With a serious resflow and a big amount of meds, ammo and catpacks the marines were unable to finish off vent hive, they did bring the alien team to zero RT’s. The two fades worked real well in keeping the marines off. They eventually got the PG in vent down creating room for the aliens to roam on the map and get some RT’s chewed. Unluckily marines electrified most of the RT’s. Shortly after marines got HA and got another PG in vent. With a long ongoing effort to try and take down the hive it eventually went down, marines win.
Second map ns_eclipse_ensl 1st Round kE: Alien Prevert: Marine
Alien team had CC hive and dropped SL RT.
The marine team had their pressure squad go SL, though not before the aliens had two lerks up to save the RT. Constant pressure on the marine RT’s by the skulks and the lerks scooping up the marines didn’t leave much room for the marines to go anywhere. Some time later one lerk went down, soon to relerk.
A bit later in the game the marines managed to get down SL RT with a fade on their neck, the fade died near SL trying to protect the RT. It wasn’t a big loss with the lerks keeping them rines down.
The round was soon over after that, aliens win.
Second map ns_eclipse_ensl 1st Round kE: Marine Prevert: Alien
Alien team had maint hive and dropped SL RT and wanted to drop CC RT.
Marines sent their pressure squad with two SG-er’s to CC while routerboxing CC RT. As soon as the skulk had chewed down the RT at CC and the gorge dropped it, the marines went in. The took care of the aliens with one marine left standing, he was out of ammo while two hurt skulks rushed him. Danster, the lone marine, managed to knife both aliens and was left to finish off the RT. A new pressure squad went to finish off SL RT while a fade went up. The fade hit base, killing the comm but dying in this effort. Marines finished off rebuilt SL RT and pressured main hive with a PG nearby. The hive went down soon after and the round was over, marines win.
23 October 2006, 15:08
24 October 2006, 20:26
and that is?
25 October 2006, 17:53
29 October 2006, 07:25
29 October 2006, 13:32
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