the first two rounds were ns_lost played on a seriously sucky .fi server... ending in a 1-1.
the next two rounds were played on ns_tanith, some good skulking and dc first + 3fades ment even style could get the odd kill for =v's alien round. They followed this with a nice pg + sg hive takedown of fusion hive and some ferosous shotgun whoring causing the end result to be 3-1
Hmm.. strange that the round mpr won got deducted. The server was shit but in truth the mpr rounds on lost were much much better then the ones of VCS.
Doing a replay would have been fair if there was any rulings about that.. which there isn't.
Therefor it would be pitman's descretion to chose whether it should be replayed or not..
If I would have been in his position I would not have offered it since VCS was lucky for even winning their alien round.
the next two rounds were played on ns_tanith, some good skulking and dc first + 3fades ment even style could get the odd kill for =v's alien round. They followed this with a nice pg + sg hive takedown of fusion hive and some ferosous shotgun whoring causing the end result to be 3-1
4 March 2007, 18:03
Admirable, Altbst, Lego, Monk, Tjerge, Toastbox, Tweadle
5 March 2007, 03:37
5 March 2007, 12:20
6 March 2007, 07:09
7 March 2007, 17:23
11 March 2007, 10:42
Doing a replay would have been fair if there was any rulings about that.. which there isn't.
Therefor it would be pitman's descretion to chose whether it should be replayed or not..
If I would have been in his position I would not have offered it since VCS was lucky for even winning their alien round.
14 March 2007, 15:18
2 May 2007, 20:18
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