So regather is a terrible idea

sacramento, United States of America
6 February 2013
6 January 2016 - 00:30 EET
This is a issue ticket I filed with ENSL. I know it would be super easy to fix this problem so if you guys have thoughts on it post them here. I'm sure this has been talked to death in other posts but I don't post on forums or search them cuz whatever.

So, regather is a terrible idea. The only time it is useful is when a captain is afk. That being said, we need a "AFK KICK" button next to each player's name. When one person clicks it the button says "1/4" and when it gets to four clicks that person is kicked from the gather. That person does not receive a cool-down so that if they are not afk or come back they can still play immediately. For the player being voted the button next to their own name says "CHECK IN" and is only clickable when a vote has started to kick you. This will nullify the vote and prove that you are not afk.

There needs to be a specific policy that the idea of a "troll vote" does not exist. Sure, there are ways to game the system to get elo or some shit but it's so unlikely that this will actually be effectively coordinated. Troll votes are hardly actually that game impacting. Even then, it's so much better to be playing from behind than not playing at all. The attitude that you should only play when you have the best chance to win is un-useful and game killing. Today BauerJenkins reset a gather because of "troll vote." Several players had stepped away for a moment and did not get to join the new gather. They got hosed. I have been hosed like that many time. This is pandering and terrible policy. There is no conceivable situation in which this idea is useful. Even if someone picks completely at random who gives a fuck? At worst he can get advice from someone else. We can't be pandering to people who MUST WIN EVERY GAME (tap etc not that tap caused the regather blah blah but you know what I mean). That's not what gathers are for. Anyway, I'm done gg's.
nazi hunter izO
Paderborn, Germany
20 October 2013
6 January 2016 - 02:00 EET
You're not even playing gathers and still judge the effect trollvotes have on gathers. 10/10
You were not even in the gather that was reset, you just stepped up and complained because you love the drama (calling someone out). 10/10
I announced I'd reset the gather, I even waited like a minute or two until I did it to give people time to react. People who were IN the gather asked me to reset, so I did it and WARNED everyone before... Dont try and play the saint because you thought you observed things correctly because you really didn't. I understand some people are angry because I joined the new gather myself, but I really don't understand when some outside observer tries to shit on people simply because he feels like it.
@Vivint and Dean I'm sorry I took your spot, but if you don't pay attention to the gather page I really can't help you. I can't take care of 11 players all by myself. I waited like 20 sec after the regather before joining myself to give people time to rejoin but apparently some people never knew about the regather...
California Burrito
British Indian Ocean Territory
1 May 2013
6 January 2016 - 02:13 EET
vote kick would be a great option. but 4 votes might be too low to prevent trolling.
For The Lolz
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5 May 2013
6 January 2016 - 02:14 EET
I wasn't there, I'm not a gather player, this is the first i've heard of this situation.


I say blame Bauer!

"Out with the gorge, into the ready room" F4 - iSay
sacramento, United States of America
6 February 2013
6 January 2016 - 04:00 EET
BearJankins says
You're not even playing gathers and still judge the effect trollvotes have on gathers. 10/10
You were not even in the gather that was reset, you just stepped up and complained because you love the drama (calling someone out). 10/10
I announced I'd reset the gather, I even waited like a minute or two until I did it to give people time to react. People who were IN the gather asked me to reset, so I did it and WARNED everyone before... Dont try and play the saint because you thought you observed things correctly because you really didn't. I understand some people are angry because I joined the new gather myself, but I really don't understand when some outside observer tries to shit on people simply because he feels like it.
@Vivint and Dean I'm sorry I took your spot, but if you don't pay attention to the gather page I really can't help you. I can't take care of 11 players all by myself. I waited like 20 sec after the regather before joining myself to give people time to rejoin but apparently some people never knew about the regather...

Sorry bro I honestly wasn't trying to call you out, just was the most obvious and recent example. I'm not and did not suggest that you did anything wrong, I'm suggesting that there be a policy made that "troll vote" no longer be a reason to reset a gather. Personally I think you are a wonderful man, muscular yet lean, obviously adept in many fields.
10 July 2014
6 January 2016 - 06:56 EET
I'm gonna go ahead and say that troll votes DO impact the gather and ruin them in most cases. Until a kick system is implemented, it is completely justified to vote regather/restart a gather because some morons thought it would be funny to vote for captains that are completely imbalanced skill wise. People who join gathers expect them to be as balanced as possible, and allowing stupid shit like troll voting to ruin that is just going to kill gathers
18 May 2013
6 January 2016 - 22:06 EET
I can see the reasoning of not liking troll votes.
But having a regather and then have the folk who were in the previous gather being outgathered that fast is simply beyond stupid also.
sacramento, United States of America
6 February 2013
9 January 2016 - 23:52 EET
Alite says
I'm gonna go ahead and say that troll votes DO impact the gather and ruin them in most cases. Until a kick system is implemented, it is completely justified to vote regather/restart a gather because some morons thought it would be funny to vote for captains that are completely imbalanced skill wise. People who join gathers expect them to be as balanced as possible, and allowing stupid shit like troll voting to ruin that is just going to kill gathers

I have to disagree with you Alite. You constantly say that when people vote for YOU it is a trollvote and that is not the case. Also, I think that the regather system is far more harmful to gathers than having a less-than ideal captain. That's just something that people need to loosen up about, whereas people being forcefully ejected from gathers breaks all fairness and potential for fun. Stacked teams are far less of a problem and I've many fun games playing from the losing side. In fact, I would argue that this is where most learning is done. Any person can be voted captain and ask who he should pick. If the other side gets two great players off the bat then so be it. In reality there are ten field players and even picking back and forth at random there is a cap to how stacked the teams can actually be. In hypothetical situation they can be very stacked, but in practice they are most often reasonably close, though some people want you to think they are more stacked than they are because of pride.
sacramento, United States of America
6 February 2013
10 January 2016 - 10:45 EET
Also if you don't want to be captain don't join the gather. Obvious rule is obvious.
nazi hunter izO
Paderborn, Germany
20 October 2013
10 January 2016 - 21:41 EET
it's true tho that trollpicks break gathers, believe it or not
LMAO gotcha
31 January 2014
10 January 2016 - 22:07 EET
BearJankins says
it's true tho that trollpicks break gathers, believe it or not

Senpai Robot vs Schu is balanced, why fucking lie.
sacramento, United States of America
6 February 2013
10 January 2016 - 22:50 EET
You know there is more than one person on a team...
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