For The Lolz
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You know what...
Fuck everything i've said so far...
The rules are outdated as fuck, and the rules were abused.
Fix the rules and replay the playoffs.
New rule - During playoffs, No mercs, if you can't field 6 members of your team, don't arrange to play at that time.
And can someone teach the refs their job please... #Absurdon4Ref
I fucking hate trying to defend a ruleset I disagree with.
"Out with the gorge, into the ready room" F4 - iSay
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God guys i was loling a lot but it's losing speed now.
Can we stay on topic and phone explain more those youtube cheats?
Here is a screenshot I took for further help phone:
If those hackusations are deemed false I think phone should be banned from finals and someone of equal skill comm his team in the event of a rematch, like Mega for exemple.
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*oh btw since you talked to me about those sounds when I posted the video did you give him the idea Golden LOL
wtf why do you guys care pls
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Can everyone just please remember that this season is dead like the game and no one gives a fuck about who won what.
No one with any real merit plays in this imaginary league with retarded admins.
Fuck, there was no reason to come back here until phone bled out his vagina all over our screens.
Anyways, whos up for season 11?!
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I have not laughed this much in weeks, thanks for this.
Rules are outdated. the league is outdate. we are all outdated.
has anyone seen my bike?
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I saw an onos stealing it maxamus. couldn't stop it cause no meds... sry
Game is dead, only the 12 of you on this forum actually care for this. Move on. I hear Friday the 13th is coming out early 2017. Play that instead.
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but the newcomer's tourney had ONE HUNDRED+ SIGN UPS
Team Awesome
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Season 9 had plenty of teams and then everything went south, not because of lack of interest in the game initially. It was bad timing with the release of overwatch. We are past that now, and we got a surprising number of teams to play season 10. That was even after the comp season was non existent.
It depends how you look at it. Sure you could be negative about it. I want to look at the positives. A lot of good happened after the bad timing of comp mod dying and overwatch coming out, and a bunch of div 1 players using that as a reason to leave the game and call it dead. As Mega says, it'a a self fulfilling prophecy. There is no reason to tell other people the game is dead on this site unless you want people to agree with you. If you didn't care at all, you wouldn't come to this website still. The game made a lot of us put tons of hours into it in the first place. NS2 is different or you wouldn't be here reading these words.
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Too many big egos thinking their call of "NS2 is dead" is decisive and that their own voice matters; your voice only matters if people listen to you.
This season was actually entertaining despite the nay sayers AND we got to see fresh blood at the top of the game! I'm sorry that some people don't find the game fun anymore but to those that played this season, thank you for the competition and thank you to the casters for giving us something to watch.
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Damn, im ill for a few days and when I come back, finals have blown up.
This season has been riddled with outdated rules, folk not sticking to rules/not doing their job and all the likes.
Im still gona do my best to make next season work, but can we please learn from the trainwreck and fix the rules.
As for folk thinking Kash made a weird turnaround.. he really didnt.. Kash has always been the 'Defend the rules even if they suck' kind of guy. :P
Team Awesome
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Rules will be updated, but I don't think there is anything glaringly wrong that happened. It was just not ideal for a finals match. We will make sure the rules are updated going forward and consider this scenario.
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I havent read the fine points of the suggestions yet, because I honestly dont care, but in general aspect I do like and agree with the idea of disallowing mercs in finals.
It makes sense.
But how about for next season we all stick to communicating on the match page as intended?
* If a teamleader (note, not teammember) did not confirm, its not confirmed.
* If you dislike a merc you plan to not play right now, and thereby have time. Go to the match page and type you deny the merc. (Not posting it on the match page will assume you agree on the merc?)
* Same for the map, when in disagreement, type it on the match page.
* Convo more on the match page. Dont post end results.. post failed attempts at match schedules also so refs know (both) team(s) are attempting to schedule.
Looking at much of the drama over the period, most is due to lack of (open) communication. Thats a easy fix, make it open already. The tools are there, use them.
The game is dead by the fact that the game is MP and very few people play it. :DDDDDD
The game hasn't even seen 1000 players on at once since I quit in 14'
until the next drama thread o/
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so if im understanding this correctly anything i ever bring up that might potentially be an issue is probably just a 'troll'.
g00d 2 know