GOT Winners, Future Events and More!

Grand Open Tournament

We would like to officially congratulate the winners of the Grand Tournament:

NS@COMPMODCOUNCIL (phone, Hypie, Golden, marshmellow, April, Hyste)! And a special shoutout for the close contenders in second place;

Code of Misconduct (loMe, Wake, Starceterus, Herakles, Zafod). And of course, we hope that all players who participated in the tournament had a great time.


First and second place winners must contact any admin to claim their prize, as certain personal information is required. Please contact someone from the admin staff about this before January the 17th.

You may notice not everyone is on this list. Unfortunately, some players have chosen to not record their playoff matches, and we were forced to disqualify them. As a result, they will not be in the hall of fame, nor are they eligible for the prizes.


Rules Clarification


VODs in future tournaments

To the above, it must be noted that we will be even more strict in future tournaments. We will adjust the rules to account for such events as incomplete footage, obstruction of view and any other various factors.

In addition, we will also improve the process of reviewing of VODs so that we can wrap up events in a more timely fashion. To achieve this goal we will be putting together a Review Board, which will consist of several trusted and veteran players. They will use their expertise to help review VODs and any suspicious moments that have been marked. And to this, if any player feels that he has seen something suspicious in his VOD (of another player or engagement) or on the caster’s view, we encourage him to report the specific time to the Admins.


Upcoming Events

Draft Tournament

We are planning on a draft tournament on the weekend of 11/12 of January. While starting times have not been finally decided yet just, it is being planned to occur at 17.00 CET on Saturday, January 11.


For those new to the NSL, a draft tournament is an event in which players sign up and will be sorted onto teams by the admins. These teams will then compete in a round robin format, resulting in a lot of fun games! This is a great way for newer players to meet other members to potentially form a team with, or simply to have fun and enjoy some competitive NS2.

Signups can be found here


Season 16

Get your teams ready for Season 16! Like the previous season, this one will be in a short format as well. The season is projected to start on January 19, with group play ending on February 23, and playoffs ending March 8.

These dates are subject to change however—and will be finalized after this holiday break. Still, we wanted to announce this now so people know what to prepare for! As well, there may be some new prizes for this tournament, we will let you know.


Future Events

Longing for more competitive events? All of us are! Now just stay tuned for some future announcements around january!

To be more specific, the next sponsored Open Tournament is currently planned to take place sometime in March after Season 16 has ended. Prizes for this tournament are under discussion still, stay tuned for more info!


Other Information



We are always looking for extra staff. If you wish to be a caster or referee, please let an admin know. As Pelargir will be slowly leaving the community, we will have need of another admin in the future as well. If you are interested to take on this responsibility, please let us know!


Happy Holidays

Lastly, we wish everyone happy holidays and new year! We hope to see you all next year for more fun and glorious Natural Selection 2 competitive play.

infamous on 22 December 19 16:58


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