3rd Division Tie-Breaker!
If you saw the 3rd Division match between Pitchfork and Newstyle, you know just how nail-biting that game was. Only alien won rounds resulted in a 2-2 tie between the two teams and that means, that there are now 3 teams tied for the 2nd place in 3rd Division.
As you can see from the division table, Newstyle has 2 won matches, Pitchfork and Brotherhood of Steel has only 1 match won. Since this is the first time to happen in ENSL history and there is no written rules about it, our admin staff has decided to put a tie-breaker in motion.
This means that Pitchfork and Brotherhood of Steel will be playing eachother in the first tie-breaker match next week, since they had the lowest matches won. Whoever wins this match is going to be facing Newstyle in the next tie-breaker for the finalist spot. Team Fantasy is currently on 8 points and they still have 1 match left to play next week against AFK. If they win atleast 2 rounds, they are automaticly in the finals.
The ENSL admins has decided on the map ns_veil as tie-breaker and this map will be played until there is a winning team, e.g. alien and marine win.
So best wishes from the ENSL staff and good luck next week in 3rd Division!

As you can see from the division table, Newstyle has 2 won matches, Pitchfork and Brotherhood of Steel has only 1 match won. Since this is the first time to happen in ENSL history and there is no written rules about it, our admin staff has decided to put a tie-breaker in motion.
This means that Pitchfork and Brotherhood of Steel will be playing eachother in the first tie-breaker match next week, since they had the lowest matches won. Whoever wins this match is going to be facing Newstyle in the next tie-breaker for the finalist spot. Team Fantasy is currently on 8 points and they still have 1 match left to play next week against AFK. If they win atleast 2 rounds, they are automaticly in the finals.
The ENSL admins has decided on the map ns_veil as tie-breaker and this map will be played until there is a winning team, e.g. alien and marine win.
So best wishes from the ENSL staff and good luck next week in 3rd Division!
19 November 2006, 18:05
19 November 2006, 18:38
19 November 2006, 18:48
19 November 2006, 19:22
19 November 2006, 19:41
19 November 2006, 20:37
20 November 2006, 03:13
20 November 2006, 12:14
20 November 2006, 12:24
20 November 2006, 12:25
20 November 2006, 16:16
20 November 2006, 18:49
20 November 2006, 20:39
21 November 2006, 00:31
21 November 2006, 05:46
21 November 2006, 05:47
21 November 2006, 08:17
you know what you can do then!
21 November 2006, 13:33
21 November 2006, 13:59
21 November 2006, 14:42
21 November 2006, 15:39
21 November 2006, 17:03
21 November 2006, 17:27
21 November 2006, 18:09
21 November 2006, 18:13
21 November 2006, 18:37
21 November 2006, 19:40
21 November 2006, 19:47
"Omg, I didn''t really mean it." "Omfg I know you really didn''t mean it, but you didnt know that, n00b." "Omfgam I knew you thougt I didnt know you didnt mean it" "Yes but I knew that you knew that I knew that you thought I didnt know you didnt mean it, so I win!"
Oh and Taurus and Smokealot are lovers.
22 November 2006, 00:31
btw. i demand love from taurus for lerking in pf.
22 November 2006, 00:51
pretty sad to be honest, i expected more from these new teams
22 November 2006, 04:44
22 November 2006, 05:29
it sounds gay unless your from austria!
22 November 2006, 07:14
efficient german sex
22 November 2006, 07:25
22 November 2006, 07:28
Oh and I told you that the drama would spread.. theres no getting away from it
22 November 2006, 10:22
22 November 2006, 10:25
22 November 2006, 10:34
22 November 2006, 10:53
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