Divison 1 Shakedown
Fresh season, fresh blood:
Armless' Team
The most talented of the 3 Spanish clans, Armless' swept away last years 2nd tier opponents to finish top of their league. Household names such as vara and Guito will give their opponents cause for concern. Although probably not as strong as previous premier Spanish clans- such as the EoD team that took knife to a cup final replay- a mid-table finish would be respectable for this squad.
A clan that- if I remember correctly- dates back to 2.0 days; Coldspell are finally given a shot at the big league. Led by Magpie, Coldspell may struggle in this league, but I'm a strong believer that in this stage of NS's life, the skill gaps are starting to close so no team should be under-rated. This squad may well look up to ex-Levitacus player Kylma who has lots of experience at this level.
Another old team, the el'pheer players of days gone by have gone on to become some of the most talented players in NS. Unfortunately, over the past year el'pheer have struggled to keep their squad at the same "nightmare skilled" level. Nevertheless, they still have some top players with the likes of ContagiouS and Trigu. Indeed, teams beware of el'pheer's early alien round, as they can rely on Trigu to cause a lot of marine headaches with his lerk. And if they can keep cohesion, they shouldn't ever have a problem field a 6-man team with an incredible 17-man roster.
This season's version of lucky sees a fair amount of changes. Although the loss of the deadly aim of zaCK will come as a bit of a blow, they have managed to recruit 2 levitacus players in Hopeanuoli and Tane. They have also added, in my eyes, this season's hottest prospect in zharp, a player who joins from the recently deceased omgwtfns? clan. In purple they have arguably one of the best commanders in NS (and a sexy gorge) so their marine round will be the highlight of their game. Their alien round isn't quite as strong, but they still have the necessary speciality classes covered. Expected fades are Hopeanuoli and Fera, with the lerking going to be taken up by purple of zharp. In the unlikely event that lucky actually manage to finish a season, they could well have a top 3 position at the end.
I've always been impressed with Flatline. If memory serves, they have had a top-2 finish in the last 2 seasons of division 2. They rely on a solid, team performance as opposed to a speciality player carrying them. As skipjack and syl have gone inactive, their roster has been depleted to the minimum of 6 players. Obviously, this is a worry if one member fails to show up (d'uh!) but I've always been of the opinion that the smaller squad is better. You learn how to play off your team-mates, and it builds up a sort of camaraderie- and this fits Flatline's stly of play perfectly. Nevertheless, Flatline will find it hard in this divison, though I don't expect them to finish bottom, I would be mightily suprised if they came away with honours.
Euros elite, the signs looks ominous for the opposition this year. Any squad who has come close to displacing knife in recent years have died- lessthanthree (who did succeed in beating them), Insane and Levitacus. After their revival, they have kept their policy of recruiting the creme of Europe. As well as the core players, recent recruits include France's "nicest guy in NS" tutu, and "I need your meds to live" dux. Dux in particular has come on leaps and bounds this year. He's always been a top player, but now he's in that league of "stop killing me?!" marines- so long as his commander keeps medding him. Unfortunately- he's still Welsh. It's this point that we need the obligatory mention of morphz. I feel that if he wanted to, he could walk over the pools of water in the maps if he wanted to. The most recent mop adventure is the the s3 ENSL final between knife and Levitacus on tanith. Breaking off from his squad at system waypointing, the lad rambos to their hive at cargo, and keeps the entire team back for a good minute or two. It's not a question of "is mop going to kill him?" as it is "which weapon is he going to use to kill him?". Of course- at this level you don't have one-man teams. The star-studded line-up has world-class players in every area. Players I have yet to mention include Fana as marine, wltrs and pantsu as fade and b1 as commander and skulk. In my view, their sole weakness is lack of a natural lerk. Having said that, I don't ever remember them having that kind of lerk (use comments section to correct me- but off the top of my head, previous lerks include Oetel, evilness, frG and Fana) and they've almost always been the best. Put this down to skulks such as b1 and wltrs, and sexy teamwork.
lessthanthree had the advtange of being under-rated when they beat knife to top several moons ago. No-one will make that mistake this time as they have kept their core players- such as aA, avl, ben and buggy. Obviously, to fill the void that their inactivity caused they had to recruit some new players. SlayerX will give aA some Polish company, tmk will be... complaining about something (joke!), danster will show them what West Midlands players are made of, and PhOeNiX will be the most gifted player in the squad, despite being Natural Selection's only ginger player. With the loss of Levitacus, lessthanthree will most likely be the closest challengers to knife (bar the possibiliy of epic). Can they repeat their feat of beating knife? Much as I like to see this kind of competition for top honours, I don't think they can. Although a lot of players are racking up their e-cool points by saying "knife aren't as strong as they used to be", I believe knife are still top dogs in EUNS, and considering their inactivitiy, it would take something special for lessthanthree to finish first. But that is far from being a foregone conclusion. Both sides of their game are strong. On the marine side: buggy to com, with the UK players of avl, danster and PhOeNiX being a strong trio. On the alien side, buggy as lerk and PhOeNiX as main fade is without doubt the strongest line-up; but there is leeway for the second fade: avl, ben and SlayerX are all fit for the role. Expect a top-3 finish.
Semper Fi
s&m are effectively a new squad this year. A large and constantly changing roster set them back in season 3, but this year only Coldspell, Flatline and epic have a smaller squad. Led by lump and sherpa, the most notable transfers into the squad include Ed|Rush and genz. The loss of PhOeNiX is a huge blow to them, and they will be looking to the in-form lagga to fill in his shoes. In Sublime, they have one of Europe's best ever lerks. Indeed, this should be his most challenging year yet- the re-emergance of buggy finally means that Sublime has competition to be recognised as the best player in that role. Although they will struggle against the likes of knife, anything less than a mid-table finish will be considered a failure by Semper.
Armless' Team
The most talented of the 3 Spanish clans, Armless' swept away last years 2nd tier opponents to finish top of their league. Household names such as vara and Guito will give their opponents cause for concern. Although probably not as strong as previous premier Spanish clans- such as the EoD team that took knife to a cup final replay- a mid-table finish would be respectable for this squad.
A clan that- if I remember correctly- dates back to 2.0 days; Coldspell are finally given a shot at the big league. Led by Magpie, Coldspell may struggle in this league, but I'm a strong believer that in this stage of NS's life, the skill gaps are starting to close so no team should be under-rated. This squad may well look up to ex-Levitacus player Kylma who has lots of experience at this level.
Another old team, the el'pheer players of days gone by have gone on to become some of the most talented players in NS. Unfortunately, over the past year el'pheer have struggled to keep their squad at the same "nightmare skilled" level. Nevertheless, they still have some top players with the likes of ContagiouS and Trigu. Indeed, teams beware of el'pheer's early alien round, as they can rely on Trigu to cause a lot of marine headaches with his lerk. And if they can keep cohesion, they shouldn't ever have a problem field a 6-man team with an incredible 17-man roster.
This season's version of lucky sees a fair amount of changes. Although the loss of the deadly aim of zaCK will come as a bit of a blow, they have managed to recruit 2 levitacus players in Hopeanuoli and Tane. They have also added, in my eyes, this season's hottest prospect in zharp, a player who joins from the recently deceased omgwtfns? clan. In purple they have arguably one of the best commanders in NS (and a sexy gorge) so their marine round will be the highlight of their game. Their alien round isn't quite as strong, but they still have the necessary speciality classes covered. Expected fades are Hopeanuoli and Fera, with the lerking going to be taken up by purple of zharp. In the unlikely event that lucky actually manage to finish a season, they could well have a top 3 position at the end.
I've always been impressed with Flatline. If memory serves, they have had a top-2 finish in the last 2 seasons of division 2. They rely on a solid, team performance as opposed to a speciality player carrying them. As skipjack and syl have gone inactive, their roster has been depleted to the minimum of 6 players. Obviously, this is a worry if one member fails to show up (d'uh!) but I've always been of the opinion that the smaller squad is better. You learn how to play off your team-mates, and it builds up a sort of camaraderie- and this fits Flatline's stly of play perfectly. Nevertheless, Flatline will find it hard in this divison, though I don't expect them to finish bottom, I would be mightily suprised if they came away with honours.
Euros elite, the signs looks ominous for the opposition this year. Any squad who has come close to displacing knife in recent years have died- lessthanthree (who did succeed in beating them), Insane and Levitacus. After their revival, they have kept their policy of recruiting the creme of Europe. As well as the core players, recent recruits include France's "nicest guy in NS" tutu, and "I need your meds to live" dux. Dux in particular has come on leaps and bounds this year. He's always been a top player, but now he's in that league of "stop killing me?!" marines- so long as his commander keeps medding him. Unfortunately- he's still Welsh. It's this point that we need the obligatory mention of morphz. I feel that if he wanted to, he could walk over the pools of water in the maps if he wanted to. The most recent mop adventure is the the s3 ENSL final between knife and Levitacus on tanith. Breaking off from his squad at system waypointing, the lad rambos to their hive at cargo, and keeps the entire team back for a good minute or two. It's not a question of "is mop going to kill him?" as it is "which weapon is he going to use to kill him?". Of course- at this level you don't have one-man teams. The star-studded line-up has world-class players in every area. Players I have yet to mention include Fana as marine, wltrs and pantsu as fade and b1 as commander and skulk. In my view, their sole weakness is lack of a natural lerk. Having said that, I don't ever remember them having that kind of lerk (use comments section to correct me- but off the top of my head, previous lerks include Oetel, evilness, frG and Fana) and they've almost always been the best. Put this down to skulks such as b1 and wltrs, and sexy teamwork.
lessthanthree had the advtange of being under-rated when they beat knife to top several moons ago. No-one will make that mistake this time as they have kept their core players- such as aA, avl, ben and buggy. Obviously, to fill the void that their inactivity caused they had to recruit some new players. SlayerX will give aA some Polish company, tmk will be... complaining about something (joke!), danster will show them what West Midlands players are made of, and PhOeNiX will be the most gifted player in the squad, despite being Natural Selection's only ginger player. With the loss of Levitacus, lessthanthree will most likely be the closest challengers to knife (bar the possibiliy of epic). Can they repeat their feat of beating knife? Much as I like to see this kind of competition for top honours, I don't think they can. Although a lot of players are racking up their e-cool points by saying "knife aren't as strong as they used to be", I believe knife are still top dogs in EUNS, and considering their inactivitiy, it would take something special for lessthanthree to finish first. But that is far from being a foregone conclusion. Both sides of their game are strong. On the marine side: buggy to com, with the UK players of avl, danster and PhOeNiX being a strong trio. On the alien side, buggy as lerk and PhOeNiX as main fade is without doubt the strongest line-up; but there is leeway for the second fade: avl, ben and SlayerX are all fit for the role. Expect a top-3 finish.
Semper Fi
s&m are effectively a new squad this year. A large and constantly changing roster set them back in season 3, but this year only Coldspell, Flatline and epic have a smaller squad. Led by lump and sherpa, the most notable transfers into the squad include Ed|Rush and genz. The loss of PhOeNiX is a huge blow to them, and they will be looking to the in-form lagga to fill in his shoes. In Sublime, they have one of Europe's best ever lerks. Indeed, this should be his most challenging year yet- the re-emergance of buggy finally means that Sublime has competition to be recognised as the best player in that role. Although they will struggle against the likes of knife, anything less than a mid-table finish will be considered a failure by Semper.
Other than that, thanks for the coverage although I disagree in some small points.
2 April 2006, 13:32
2 April 2006, 13:33
Swirl, splitter, eXo were the lerks in knife too, eXo was a rather good lerk also, underrated for some time.
skipjack is active now wtf.
2 April 2006, 13:43
2 April 2006, 13:44
2 April 2006, 13:47
2 April 2006, 14:12
2 April 2006, 14:23
2 April 2006, 14:26
However... although Coldspell might be an underdog in this division, this isn't exactly the first time we compete in the top division heh.
2 April 2006, 14:30
2 April 2006, 14:49
2 April 2006, 14:55
2 April 2006, 15:06
2 April 2006, 15:18
2 April 2006, 15:25
As mentioned, by Coldspell players, this isn't their first time in the limelight. Throughout the early 3.0 betas they were always difficult to beat, and during 3.0b4 they were easily top 5 europe.
Also I wouldn't expect me to pull off amazing stuff for a while as marine, I haven't really gotten into the game since I came back from my 5 month break a month ago, but I'm hoping I will sometime during this season.
Now onto the interesting stuff, the history of Knife and Lerks.
The old Knife tactic was always the two early fades, late lerk tactic. We used this up until the end, only with some brief experiments (such as our ns_lost alien tactic against <3 in the ensls1 finals) that never really worked out too well. The first time we've ever used early lerks consistently is actually the last month that's gone by.
In the past we've had b1 (rages when he dies:P), exo (suicidal), cheeZ (even more suicidal, although he was amazing against ownage in GO), Swirl (just plain not very good at it), evilness (always tried escaping using vents, but ended up getting stuck on entrance), morphz (hahahorrible), frG (we all know his rep, do or die :P it's usually either amazing or unbelievably bad) and me (:P). splitter is a good lerk from what I've seen, but he doesn't want to lerk for some reason.
For only having lerked about one, maybe two months on and off I'd say I'm doing ok though. People get all these weird opinions because we keep playing finals on shitty danster servers which give me 1-10 loss spikes, which doesn't really make lerking that much
fun. It's kind of typical that no-one remembers knife vs. Random mix in the NSNC4, or tn vs. storm in the NSNC1, yet everyone remembers knife vs. Levitacus where I could neither bite nor fly around much because bites didn't hit and flying just made me stick to random crates in double. :|
2 April 2006, 15:37
2 April 2006, 15:40
2 April 2006, 15:43
2 April 2006, 16:41
2 April 2006, 18:11
2 April 2006, 18:20
2 April 2006, 18:30
2 April 2006, 19:01
just wait ye biznitches!?
2 April 2006, 19:12
pistol > phil
knife > avl
2 April 2006, 19:31
2 April 2006, 19:32
2 April 2006, 19:49
2 April 2006, 20:39
2 April 2006, 20:40
2 April 2006, 22:54
2 April 2006, 22:59
2 April 2006, 23:01
2 April 2006, 23:01
2 April 2006, 23:08
2 April 2006, 23:09
2 April 2006, 23:24
2 April 2006, 23:34
3 April 2006, 08:56
3 April 2006, 09:21
3 April 2006, 11:32
3 April 2006, 11:36
3 April 2006, 11:55
3 April 2006, 12:05
3 April 2006, 12:13
3 April 2006, 14:00
3 April 2006, 14:05
3 April 2006, 14:32
3 April 2006, 14:32
3 April 2006, 14:57
Wooh go marko D:
3 April 2006, 15:18
3 April 2006, 17:32
3 April 2006, 17:44
I believe there was a reason behind the first idea of one map matches. Think about it.
3 April 2006, 18:08
3 April 2006, 18:10
3 April 2006, 19:03
(Oh by the way, if you intend to use your mirroring of fananation as some sort of leverage you can fuck off and die in a very small hole. If you weren't prepared to be a nice guy and donate the bandwidth with no other intentions you shouldn't have.)
3 April 2006, 19:35
Am so fucking tired. -.-
3 April 2006, 19:37
3 April 2006, 20:26
3 April 2006, 21:08
3 April 2006, 21:47
3 April 2006, 22:12
3 April 2006, 22:58
4 April 2006, 00:09
4 April 2006, 00:12
4 April 2006, 02:14
4 April 2006, 02:37
4 April 2006, 04:53
4 April 2006, 04:55
4 April 2006, 05:52
4 April 2006, 09:39
4 April 2006, 10:25
I'll go for my saves-all, generic "I must have been playing on my shit PC" defense.
4 April 2006, 10:53
4 April 2006, 11:23
4 April 2006, 11:28
4 April 2006, 11:38
Why was deano commando?!
4 April 2006, 11:51
4 April 2006, 12:19
4 April 2006, 12:38
Actually that's config, not s&m.
Why was deano commando?!"
- Would explain why we were getting prawned :D!
4 April 2006, 13:17
I don't remember that game. Probably due to the pounding it looks like we took.
4 April 2006, 13:33
Fera i didn't go away becouse the game was over, you didn't notice that(?!) and i rushed those 2 marines with something like 80 hp i didn't really care if i die or not, don't make a big deal becouse of that i still don't get you're trying to make me look bad,vilify etc.
Anyway the only thing you can see on this avi is zharp's poor aim.
4 April 2006, 15:02
4 April 2006, 15:16
4 April 2006, 16:03
4 April 2006, 18:00
please, tell us more
4 April 2006, 18:09
4 April 2006, 18:18
4 April 2006, 18:48
4 April 2006, 21:51
4 April 2006, 23:01
5 April 2006, 03:03
5 April 2006, 05:20
5 April 2006, 06:40
5 April 2006, 06:50
5 April 2006, 07:09
5 April 2006, 10:22
5 April 2006, 13:18
5 April 2006, 13:35
5 April 2006, 13:35
I ogólnie jesteś bardzo przewidywalną osobą, ktoś mi powiedział ,ze zachowasz się tak a nie inaczej i wyszło jak wyszło :).
really obvious thing.
5 April 2006, 14:15
5 April 2006, 14:16
5 April 2006, 14:40
5 April 2006, 14:54
5 April 2006, 18:53
keep up the work sherpa, looking good mate.
5 April 2006, 19:40
5 April 2006, 20:08
Jimbo - you might want to link this to "vara" in the news post :
6 April 2006, 15:01
6 April 2006, 16:01
no, wait
6 April 2006, 18:45
Me? Hell, I'm common enough to be a fan of text abuse.
6 April 2006, 18:49
7 April 2006, 05:35
7 April 2006, 10:06
7 April 2006, 10:28
7 April 2006, 11:54
7 April 2006, 12:42
the blood decal shows before i fire, which is the server confirming that you hit me - i fired afterwards, it didn't reg, then you bit me again and I died.
and you don't play with 200ms ping vara, i know you're spanish but even most spaniards don't go higher than 100 or so.
7 April 2006, 17:11
7 April 2006, 18:03
7 April 2006, 18:04
7 April 2006, 20:14
7 April 2006, 23:28
thats all i have to say
15 May 2006, 20:20
17 May 2006, 09:36
17 May 2006, 09:37
17 May 2006, 09:37
17 May 2006, 15:16
17 May 2006, 15:16
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