Help Wanted: Referees Needed For the NS2WC

Registration for the Natural Selection 2 World Championships are now closed. Teams have been seeded and sorted into their groupings. Matches will commence this weekend. If you'd like to help out as a referee for any of the almost 100 matches occurring over the next 2 weeks, please email us at (info at ns2wc dot com) with your name, in-game name, and SteamID. We'll email you with more info soon. Thanks!

In other news: Server will have maintenance break on 9th of December, 11-12 CET (GMT+1) to swap broken hard drive. - jiriki

Zefram on 03 December 13 02:38



Blank zups | TeaM Fantasy

fu jiriki

3 December 2013, 16:57


Blank EisTeeAT

Maintenance windows are 00:00 - 05:00.

We have to reject this maintenance work because it does not fit into the usual time frame. Please reschedule ! XD!

3 December 2013, 17:18


Blank Smaragor

i find your lack of useful posts disturbing

3 December 2013, 18:10


Blank snb | NERDS

i find your commanding disturbing

3 December 2013, 18:49


Blank Smaragor

why? cant figure out a way to win against me?

3 December 2013, 19:15


Blank Mulk | Ant

/フフ         ム`ヽ
/ ノ) mulk carry ?  )ヽ
/ |  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ⌒(ゝ._,ノ
/ ノ⌒7⌒ヽーく  \ /
丶_ ノ 。   ノ、 。|/
   `ヽ `ー-'_人`ーノ
    丶  ̄ _人'彡ノ

4 December 2013, 12:44


Blank jiriki | old people

I find your weak trolling disturbing

4 December 2013, 19:23


Blank EisTeeAT

I am sorry... i will start drinking more again and get my game up to what it used to be 8) !

5 December 2013, 20:09


Blank Vision | Quaxy

Drinking? That's a job for the Anonymoys Anti Anti-Alcoholics!

Also: glfu

31 December 2013, 11:41

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