European Night Cup #1 & NA/AUS Draft Tournament
With Season 4 still winding down and the final FIVE matches left to be played, we have a lot of teams and players drifting in a nebulous state, wondering what they must do to quench their competitive thirst. Wonder no more. Sign ups for the first European Night Cup and North American/Australian Draft Tournament is officially open! Details, specific to each contest, below.
Players and teams from any region may sign up for either event, but because of the nature of these tournaments, please know that there won't be special accomodations for region or time zones. Please do not sign up if you or your team can not make the times.
After these tournaments are done, we'll switch it up so that players from every region can play both formats. These contests are extremely casual and a great way to get your friends or other players, who aren't currently on teams, involved. Invite newcomers! This could be an exciting way for newly formed teams to make a splash on the scene also.
All contests after Season 4 concludes will be played with the third iteration of the Comp Mod. Feedback still required.
European Night Cup
The night cup will be held on Friday, July 11th starting at 19 CEST. Is this time and date ok? It's subject to change if another time is more suitable for everyone. Please leave your feedback. This cup will be a double elimination format. Teams will be seeded and bracketed based off of those seedings. League rules apply otherwise.
If you don't have a team, it's easy to create one with the following steps. If you want to register a pre-existing team, skip to step 4.
- To create a team, register an account and go to Agenda -> Create a new team
- Get your players to register and tell them to Join your team in their Agenda.
- To accept your players on the team, go to Agenda -> Click your team name -> Edit (scroll down) -> Members -> Change their status from Joining to Member, Leader, or Deputee.
- To join the tournament, go to Agenda -> Click your team name -> Edit (scroll down) -> Contests -> Join European Night Cup #1 2014.
- Check the sign up list for your team name to see if you've done it correctly.
North American/Australian Draft Tournament
The draft tournament will be held over two Saturdays on July 12th and 19th starting at 5PM PDT / 8PM EDT (Sundays, 10AM AEST) on both days. Expect to play for 4 to 5 hours each weekend, depending on participation. Again, these times are tentative too. If there's a more suitable time for the majority, please leave comments. This tournament will feature a round robin format. All things being equal, teams will not be seeded and each team will play each other once.
The draft will be held on 7PM PDT / 10PM EDT Friday, July 11th 2014 (12PM AEST Saturday, July 12th). It will be held on the NSL Teamspeak server (IP -
You can sign up for the draft tournament using this form here.
You can view the players who have already signed up here.
The Rest of Summer
After we try out these events and figure out the best way to run them, we'll have a shortened sign up period and go through the cycle again in late July/early August. The Europeans will have a chance to do a draft tournament and the NA/AUS players may do another draft tournament or a quick night cup. In late August, we'll hold our annual Nations Cup. If time permits and with enough interest, we'll have our third custom map cup, before the start of Season 5 in September.
27 June 2014, 07:25
27 June 2014, 13:07
27 June 2014, 14:32
28 June 2014, 18:53
30 June 2014, 14:03
30 June 2014, 14:07
6 July 2014, 03:40
6 July 2014, 04:41
7 July 2014, 11:29
7 July 2014, 12:14
9 July 2014, 13:00
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