12 October 2014 - 17:43 EDT
This is a complaint about a player who i(and most likely few others who give a damn), is repeatedly using aimbot or a variant of such and has nothing been done about, hearsay i've gotten is that this has been occuring since last season, but i've experienced(and noticed) this personally for the past week or so. What makes all of this alarming that the player in question clearly has very poor awareness, everything else outside of shooting is outright subpar by any standards, and should be apparent to anyone paying attention.
I'll list below two VODs of this seasons games, where you can watch and judge for yourself the repeating occurance how alien HP literally melts when the player in question is on the screen. You will see occasions where the player dies due to outright stupid positioning or other various reasons, there are no one and only occasions you need to watch, you need to watch and pay attention to the whole game to see the pattern. It seems to me, that he is intentionally playing "the game right" and not soloing too much, so his aimbot wouldn't be so easy to spot. It's very hard to determine from the topdown view if he is using one or not, but from personal experience playing against this team(4-5 maps), we've had some 'extensive testing' just to see how to outplay this particular player(it's doable, just annoying to adapt to such cheating).
When we realised this aimbot a week ago, i mentioned in on steam messages to few people, and apparently it's very well known how this player has repeatedly 35% acc as marine, i've listed below few examples of the more recent rounds where this is so, i'd like to remind you that this type of accuracy is beyond what most premium players have, it is simply unnatural.
On top of this, a referee was asked to pay attention to this person and the response was that he didn't see any proof of an aimbot. It was also said that apparently with NSL MOD you are able to first person spectate thus this referee's response, i can't but utterly call this complete bullshit as it just makes literally no sense from the records of accuracy and experience we've had with this player.
Thus i request that anyone who is able to first person spectate this player in the future to record, and upload said material, because if it is so that this guy is "legit", with the utterly shocking game sense he has, he must be a savant to have such aim.
I wish all of this is cleared before more of the season is played, futuremore, if said persons accuracy "suddenly" falls below the 30-35% to "normal levels", well i guess we've got our answer there..
http://www.twitch.tv/heftydk/c/5271516 PowerUP vs DoctorsWithoutGorges VOD
http://www.twitch.tv/gghaven/b/577476058 PowerUP! vs The Leftovers , timestamp 29:20 onwards for hydro small example
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/137131 29% acc
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/137109 35% acc
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/136216 35% acc
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/136205 30% acc
FYI: The accuracy he has depends on the weapons he can use in said round, the more GL he uses the lower it is (read: around 30%)
Not sure if i'm violation forum guidelines here but yeah, it's not the end of the world to get banned from these forums. :)
I'll list below two VODs of this seasons games, where you can watch and judge for yourself the repeating occurance how alien HP literally melts when the player in question is on the screen. You will see occasions where the player dies due to outright stupid positioning or other various reasons, there are no one and only occasions you need to watch, you need to watch and pay attention to the whole game to see the pattern. It seems to me, that he is intentionally playing "the game right" and not soloing too much, so his aimbot wouldn't be so easy to spot. It's very hard to determine from the topdown view if he is using one or not, but from personal experience playing against this team(4-5 maps), we've had some 'extensive testing' just to see how to outplay this particular player(it's doable, just annoying to adapt to such cheating).
When we realised this aimbot a week ago, i mentioned in on steam messages to few people, and apparently it's very well known how this player has repeatedly 35% acc as marine, i've listed below few examples of the more recent rounds where this is so, i'd like to remind you that this type of accuracy is beyond what most premium players have, it is simply unnatural.
On top of this, a referee was asked to pay attention to this person and the response was that he didn't see any proof of an aimbot. It was also said that apparently with NSL MOD you are able to first person spectate thus this referee's response, i can't but utterly call this complete bullshit as it just makes literally no sense from the records of accuracy and experience we've had with this player.
Thus i request that anyone who is able to first person spectate this player in the future to record, and upload said material, because if it is so that this guy is "legit", with the utterly shocking game sense he has, he must be a savant to have such aim.
I wish all of this is cleared before more of the season is played, futuremore, if said persons accuracy "suddenly" falls below the 30-35% to "normal levels", well i guess we've got our answer there..
http://www.twitch.tv/heftydk/c/5271516 PowerUP vs DoctorsWithoutGorges VOD
http://www.twitch.tv/gghaven/b/577476058 PowerUP! vs The Leftovers , timestamp 29:20 onwards for hydro small example
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/137131 29% acc
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/137109 35% acc
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/136216 35% acc
http://ns2stats.com/round/round/136205 30% acc
FYI: The accuracy he has depends on the weapons he can use in said round, the more GL he uses the lower it is (read: around 30%)
Not sure if i'm violation forum guidelines here but yeah, it's not the end of the world to get banned from these forums. :)