A digest of information in one page!
Season 6, Replays, Maps and Diamond Gamers tourney.
First of all, good job to most of the teams for scheduling or playing already their Week 3 matches. It's been really nice to watch lots of games and especially more on new maps. Stay tuned to more upcoming games by looking at the Calendar on the right sidebar, by joining our NSL Steam group, and/or by following our Twitter.
For those who may have missed a few matches, I've posted links to the available replays on the forums. If you have a recording from your own point of view and want to share it with other players, feel free to post them as comments on the following threads: Weeks 1 & 2, Weeks 3 & 4
On the schedule for Weeks 3 and 4 are the custom maps Mineral and Nexus. These two maps have been added to the season rotation because we thought they had the potential to improve a lot, but to achieve this, their respective mappers need your feedback. The feedback is very important for the future development of these maps and even more particularly if we want them to be played in future seasons as well. Do not hesitate to post them on Mineral's and Nexus' dedicated threads. You'll get a free hug from MasterG and malx if you do so.
On another note, you may be interested to join the DMD "Rumble In The Hive" event. This event will be happening every Friday for 4 weeks, from April 17th 8pm EST, through at least May 8th. There is no obligation to attend every event. 8 vs. 8 games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and teams switch sides after every game. Each team will play 2 other teams, for a total of at least 4 games but no more than 6. Your first match will be played on NS2 Summit and NS2 Veil. The second team you play will be on NS2 Orbital and NS2 Tram. No one knows who's on who's team. (Completely Random. Premier/Div 1 excluded (sorry guys)). To be added to the roster and see more information - please click this link! You're in for a treat!
Calendar, Rules, and Feedback
I meant to add the calendar here. Or least, that's what I was going to do but that was before Simple went and fixed the Calendar widget, so give him your thanks and adoration. Now we'll be back to our classic news without putting that silly Google thing there and you can, as you used to do before it broke, look at the right of the website above the shoutbox to see all the upcoming matches (unless there are none, then it won't show). One thing you should be aware of, you need to setup your timezone on your settings account if you haven't done this already to make matches appear in your local time. Once again, thank you a lot Simple. You're the best! Same goes to Feathermonster for fixing the font on the website and more important, fixing the mobile stuff (the site shouldn't look weird on your phone now).
Another thread has also been opened for any bugs related to the website. Maybe Jiriki will fix them. :p He changed the gather music already, do you guys recognize what song is now playing?
This aside, Unique has posted an article about the rules that apply on our Teamspeak (ensl.org). Contact him for any issues. He's also at your disposal if your NSL team needs a channel for matches or scrims.
Feedback? Did I say feedback? Yes, we need even more feedback but for another matter. Narkoweed is looking for thrilling action that you may have experienced during one your matches in this season. It can be anything, but he is aiming to make a highlight video to promote the NSL and also to gather all the best moments of Season 6. You wanna make this to happen? Post your action or everything you've seen so far that might be nice to see in a video here. An example? Watch this.
CDT Maptesting
Talking about maps, remember that the old official Maptesting group is back and managed by one of the CDT members: Zavaro. They need players and if you feel motivated and interested to help make the upcoming official maps better than Eclipse, you should go join. You can find more information here and sign up an application there. You're curious now? What map is this? If you wanna know more, join the Maptesting group.
Edit: Omg Pelargir, don't correct it :>
8 April 2015, 04:50
Love this part.
8 April 2015, 06:24
8 April 2015, 07:31
Excuse me to have too many things to tell! :p
8 April 2015, 07:51
8 April 2015, 08:00
lets be honest if you cant make a map better than eclipse you're doing it wrong
8 April 2015, 10:13
8 April 2015, 10:58
8 April 2015, 19:25
sry already downloaded
8 April 2015, 19:28
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